Classification of SDG Targets: A Quick Review
Note: Numbers pattern given below SDG picture indicates output targets + means of implementation targets/ Indicators
Total 107 SDG specific output targets can be classified into economic, social and environmental domains, excluding targets of SDG 17–Partnerships for the goals, and means of implementation targets, as given above. Analysis of the 107 output targets is depicted in Figure and Table.
Note: For a given context, relative weightage of combined SDGs may vary; Target 3.6 refers to SDG 3 and Target 6; For description of targets, kindly refer the source - Annexure 1, UNDP Publication on “ SDG Accelerator and Bottleneck Assessment”
The above analysis reveals that certain targets do fall in multiple domains, means certain interventions can trigger a combination of economic, social and environmental progress. Therefore, the implementing agencies have the choice to prioritise and plan sustainability interventions corresponding to the planned resources, for accelerated implementation (triggering progress in respect of multiple targets with each intervention), while all the targets are measurable and designed to be achieved.